In no event shall us or our officers, directors, employees and/or other representatives be liable for any damages of any kind, including without limitation to direct, indirect, compensatory, special, consequential, punitive, and/or incidental damages related to the products sold. STOP: READ ALL INFO: Part will ONLY fit what we say it will fit. The ONLY exception would be if there was a mistake made on our end. PRICE: 250.00 MANUFACTURER: Iver Johnson CONDITION: Used MODEL: Other Model SOLD: : UPC: LOCATION: Mechanicsville, VA 23116. There will be a restocking fee of 40% of the purchase price for items returned, so PLEASE make sure that the item you purchase is indeed the correct part that you need. 32 S&W Iver Johnson Top Break Double Action Revolver. (The CUSTOMER is responsible for the cost of return shipping.) The item being returned must be shipped AND received with 14 days from purchase date.Customer MUST contact us within 3 days of receipt of the item (we do get specific dates packages are delivered).If you wish to return an item you’ve purchased, you must follow all directions listed below.

Don’t miss a bargain on these hard to find parts! What you see in the photos is what will be shipped, no more, no less, so please check carefully to ensure that the parts you need is correct. The term Safety Automatic refers to the fact this little revolver was one of the first to remove the firing pin from the hammer and incorporate an internal transfer bar to pass striking energy from the hammer to the firing pin. Please do not ask us to take out one part for sale if there is more than one part included, or to take any measurements not already in photographs, this takes time and money. Revolver offered is from an Estate and is an Iver Johnson Safety Automatic 5 shot revolver done in. You can filter the list of items shown by selecting attributes. Web ID: 100919690 Product Chart This SKU table contains a list of all SKUs available for the product. 32 SW is an anemic round, but a blast to shoot with black powder at the range. Good condition, finish wear, nicks and scratches. I wouldn't worry about the hammer resting on the firing pin unless you intend to carry it. All firearms parts should be inspected and installed by a competent gunsmith. I have fixed my share of Iver Johnson's and even started reloading black powder. The blued finish is fading in large areas. The action appears to work properly, the barrel has some minor areas of pitting. These parts are used and will show signs of use. Iver Johnson Top Break 32 S&W Revolver in good condition. It is a nice-looking part and is ready for a new home some parts may show some blemishes, scratches & handling marks here and there & require cleaning.